Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Ozonotherapy is the use of medical grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a curative response in the body. The body has the potential to renew and regenerate itself. When it becomes sick it is because this potential has been blocked. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to remove many of these impediments thus allowing the body to do what it does best – heal itself.

activates the immune system in infectious diseases.

improves the cellular utilization of oxygen that reduces ischemia in cardiovascular diseases, and in many of the infirmities of aging.

causes the release of growth factors that stimulate damaged joints and degenerative discs to regenerate.

can dramatically reduce or even eliminate many cases of chronic pain through its action on pain receptors.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Systemic Lupus Erythemoatosis



Ankylosing Spondylitis,


Reiter Syndrome





Pyrophosphate Arthropathy

Calcific Peri-Arthritis,

Calcific Tendinitis,

Calcinosis And Inter-Vertebral Disc Prolapse

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